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Clockwise Bromley main entrance and stairs


A stay at Brama is more than a comfortable bed. Guests benefit from all that you’d expect from a hotel – luxurious linens and beautiful bathroom products – as well as preferential treatment from our next-door neighbours, Clockwise, also located in Bromley Old Town Hall.

Clockwise Bromley Club lounge


Clockwise provides contemporary private offices, shared workspace and meeting rooms with flexible membership plans in key business locations across the UK and Europe. Clockwise Bromley is one of the largest spaces to date and the second location in London. Guests of the hotel receive an exclusive 20% off a day pass during their stay.

Clockwise Bromley Meeting Room


Clockwise offers six meeting rooms, perfect for a quick power hour or a full day conference. Varying in size – from two to 36, and style – from the grand panelled heritage spaces to more intimate exposed brick bunkers; each meeting room features a screen and video conferencing. Brama guests receive 20% off meeting room bookings during their stay.


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